Perhaps its my stature, after all I only stand at a mere 4 feet and 11 inches. Regardless, my hair has been patted or fingered more in the last weeks than I could encounter my entire life. Now most of the "petting" has come from friends and curious family members but this Saturday, I became annoyed as a STRANGER felt like she had the right to touch my hair.
The scene was a cookout, I had my back turned to grab a drink out of a cooler, and as I proceeded to pour my drink, I felt someone grope my hair. I turned around to see a chick I had just literally met 45 minutes ago with a Koolaid grin respond to my blank stare with an " I JUST LOVE YOUR HAIR!". I counted to ten and discarded it as a poor exercise in judgment for this young lady but in hindsight I asked myself a few new questions. Would I be equally annoyed if a guy would have touched my hair without my permission? Did I take offense because I felt like a Tuskeegee experiment for non-blacks curious about kinky hair? Or should I simply get accustomed to the intrigue and allow people to gain a better understanding of this phenomena by partaking in a harmless session of "petting"?
I have yet to come to any conclusions, but the day to day experience of living "naturally" is as difficult as staying away from chemical straighteners. They both require extreme patience, and result in the education of self, as well as the people you encounter.

Since I've become natural people have found it ok to think they can just rub all over my head. Like I can't feel it or something. A few vicious looks and words later and people have decided to ASK first.
ReplyDeletePeople do tend to "pet" more when I rock the curls! Just friends though...
ReplyDeleteRayve I was wildin inside my head! How long have you been natural?
ReplyDeleteDr. Natural I would never touch your hair, even with permission... I'm afraid of the repurcussions!!
I think that this is an awesome idea that you guys have created. This blog will give others different perspectives on natural hair. I think that it is quite strange how people start wanting to "pet" your hair when it is in its natural state. I haven't had a relaxer in my hair for about 7 years, although i do straighten in with a hot comb or flat iron, but I have come to find out that my hair grew much more than it ever did with a relaxer and it is much more healthier.
ReplyDeleteChristina thank you for visiting us! I hope we all can exchange horror and glory stories to empower us in our hair journey. I recently decided to stay away from heat,especially since my hair does not tolerate humidity. Have you ever took a hiatus from it?
ReplyDeleteI have been natural for 7 months..... On the UC campus((University of Cincinnati..not Cali dammit lol))people would pet my head while I'm eating.... come the hell on... So I started making examples.
ReplyDeleteDang, I thought I had it bad...